Skinny Brown Dog Media

Let it Go

The Home for Visionary Storytellers

Let it Go

Sometimes You Have to “Let It Go” to Know: Embracing Feedback in the Creative Process

Every creative faces the same nagging question: Is this work good enough to share with the world?

Before you even reach the “good enough to publish” stage, there’s an earlier and crucial step: “Good enough for feedback.”

 Let It Go: Seeking Feedback to Refine Your Work

Just like Elsa in Frozen, you sometimes have to let it go to truly discover the magic within. Your initial goal with your manuscript should be to get it good enough to present to a developmental editor. Later, it needs to be ready for feedback from early readers. The same goes for your book cover, title ideas, and description—all these elements should go through the feedback stage before they are polished to perfection.

This might sound obvious, yet many authors struggle because they spend too much time refining their work alone, without seeking outside perspectives. The key is to share your work with a select few trusted individuals to gather the feedback necessary to make it “good enough for publication.”

 Embrace Imperfection: Letting Go of Perfectionism

Elsa had to learn to embrace her powers and let go of her fears. Similarly, you need to be comfortable with sharing imperfect, and sometimes even messy, work. It requires a willingness to let go of perfectionism and embrace the messiness of the creative process.

Whenever I find myself stuck, I ask, “Is this good enough for feedback?” If the answer is yes, seeking feedback becomes my top priority. The sooner you get feedback, the sooner you’ll uncover what you need to move forward.

 Discover Your Creative Magic

Remember, sometimes you have to “let it go” to truly know. By embracing feedback and letting go of the need for perfection, you’ll discover the magic within your creative process and transform your work into something truly spectacular. So, take a cue from Elsa, and let it go—because that’s when the real magic happens.

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