Skinny Brown Dog Media


The Home for Visionary Storytellers


Social Media for Writers: A Comprehensive Guide to the Top Platforms

In today’s digital age, social media has become an indispensable tool for writers and authors aiming to connect with their audience, build their brand, and promote their work. With billions of daily users across platforms like Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram, mastering social media is essential for any writer wanting to thrive in a competitive landscape. […]

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Let it Go

Sometimes You Have to “Let It Go” to Know: Embracing Feedback in the Creative Process Every creative faces the same nagging question: Is this work good enough to share with the world? Before you even reach the “good enough to publish” stage, there’s an earlier and crucial step: “Good enough for feedback.”  Let It Go:

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 Navigating the Challenges of Amazon KDP in 2024: What Indie Authors Need to Know

Selling your book on Amazon has never been easier for indie authors, and I am genuinely grateful for all Amazon has done to support the self-publishing community. However, in working with over 500 authors over the last seven years, I can confidently say that dealing with Amazon KDP has never been more challenging than it

 Navigating the Challenges of Amazon KDP in 2024: What Indie Authors Need to Know Read More »