admin – Skinny Brown Dog Media The Home for Visionary Storytellers Tue, 24 Sep 2024 06:29:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 admin – Skinny Brown Dog Media 32 32 4 Essentials Your Author Website Should Include Tue, 24 Sep 2024 06:13:46 +0000 In today’s digital age, having an author website is not an absolute requirement before publishing a book, but it is certainly recommended. Your author website serves as a home base for your online presence, helping you engage with readers, promote your work, and even build a mailing list for future projects. The good news? Setting up an effective website doesn’t have to take weeks or require a hefty budget. With the right tools, you could have your site live in a couple of hours.

But before you dive into building, it’s important to know the core elements every author website needs to have. Here are the four essentials your author website should include to start strong.

 1. Opt-In Offer: Building Your Mailing List

An opt-in offer is the lifeblood of your author website. It’s one of the simplest yet most powerful tools you can use to grow your audience. By offering a freebie in exchange for someone’s email address, you can start building a loyal readership before your first book even hits the shelves.

For your opt-in offer, think about what would attract your ideal reader. It could be a free short story, a sneak peek at your upcoming novel, or a downloadable resource related to your genre. Once you’ve crafted this offer, place it prominently on your homepage. You can also position it in other areas, such as the sidebar, navigation bar, or as a pop-up within your blog posts. The goal is to make it easy for visitors to see the value in subscribing to your email list.

If you’re unsure where to start, a simple landing page with an email sign-up form is all you need. Remember, your mailing list will be a crucial tool for book launches, promotions, and staying in touch with your readers.

 2. Bio: Connecting with Your Audience

Your readers want to know who you are—and a clear, engaging bio helps them connect with you on a deeper level. You don’t need to write a lengthy autobiography. A simple “About Me” page that explains what kind of books you write and a few relevant details will do the trick. Aim for 2-4 sentences that capture your personality and give potential readers a reason to follow your work.

On your homepage, it’s a good idea to give a brief introduction as well. Something like “Jane Doe – Cozy Mystery Author” immediately tells visitors what kind of books to expect from you. If you’re just starting out and haven’t published yet, that’s okay. Focus on what you’re working on and why your future readers will love it.

 3. Contact: Making It Easy for Readers to Reach You

Having a clear way for people to contact you is another crucial element of your author website. Whether it’s an email address, a contact form, or links to your social media profiles, make sure your audience knows how to get in touch. This could lead to exciting opportunities—whether it’s from readers, other authors, or even media outlets interested in featuring you.

A simple “Contact” page is typically all you need. If you’re comfortable, you can also include links to your social media accounts to make it even easier for readers to connect with you across platforms. However, don’t feel pressured to be everywhere. Focus on the platforms where you feel comfortable engaging with your audience.

 4. Books: Showcasing Your Work

Of course, your website should include links to your books. If you have published works, make sure visitors can easily find them, with direct links to purchase. Each book should have its own dedicated page with a description, cover image, and buying options.

If you’re still in the process of writing your first book, don’t worry. You can create a placeholder page where you tease your upcoming project. Include a brief description or teaser and an invitation for visitors to sign up for email notifications about its release. This helps build anticipation and keeps potential readers engaged.

 Optional Additions: Enhancing Your Website

While the essentials listed above are enough to get your author website off the ground, there are several optional features that can enhance your site as you grow:

  • Media Page: If you’ve done podcast appearances, interviews, or any other media, create a dedicated page where people can explore that content.
  • Blog: Writing articles or blog posts can be a great way to share your thoughts, offer advice, or provide updates about your writing journey.
  • Speaker Page: If you do public speaking, adding a speaker page is a good way to let people know you’re available for engagements.
  • Photos & Logos: Some authors choose to include professional photos or a logo for branding purposes. However, if you prefer to remain anonymous, this step is entirely optional.

 Start Simple, Grow Over Time

The key to building your author website is to start simple. You don’t need to have every feature perfectly in place from day one. The “essential four”—an opt-in offer, a bio, a contact page, and book information—will provide a strong foundation for your online presence. Over time, you can build out additional content as your author career grows.

And remember, you don’t need to spend weeks or thousands of dollars creating your site. With the right tools, you can have an effective author website up and running in as little as an afternoon. Takeaway: Your author website doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. Focus on the essentials—opt-in offer, bio, contact info, and books—and you’ll have everything you need to connect with readers and build your author brand.

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Interactive Storytelling: Revolutionizing Client Engagement in Coaching Sat, 21 Sep 2024 13:11:15 +0000 In the ever-evolving world of coaching, finding innovative ways to connect with clients is crucial. Enter interactive storytelling – a powerful tool that’s transforming the coaching landscape. Let’s dive into how this approach can elevate your coaching sessions and create lasting impact.

 The Power of Interactive Storytelling

In the digital age, storytelling has evolved beyond traditional narratives. While most people understand the basics of storytelling, technology has opened up new avenues to make our stories more engaging and impactful. Interactive storytelling is at the forefront of this revolution, especially in the realm of coaching.

 Beyond Passive Listening

Imagine a coaching session where your client isn’t just a passive listener, but an active participant in the story you’re weaving. This is the essence of interactive storytelling. It allows clients to:

  • Step into the shoes of the protagonist
  • Make critical decisions that shape the narrative
  • Experience the consequences of their choices in a safe environment

 Creating Personalized Experiences

Every client’s journey through an interactive story is unique. By making choices that align with their thoughts and instincts, clients create a personalized experience that resonates deeply with their own situation. This personalization leads to:

1. Increased Relevance: The story adapts to the client’s choices, making it more applicable to their specific challenges.

2. Enhanced Emotional Connection: As clients see the story unfold based on their decisions, they become emotionally invested in the outcome.

3. Improved Self-Awareness: The process of making decisions within the story encourages clients to reflect on their decision-making patterns in real life.

 Turning Lessons into AHA Moments

Interactive storytelling has a unique power to transform theoretical lessons into profound realizations. Here’s how:

  • Experiential Learning: Instead of being told what to do, clients experience the outcomes of different choices.
  • Immediate Feedback: The story provides instant context for the consequences of decisions, leading to quick insights.
  • Safe Exploration: Clients can explore different approaches without real-world risks, encouraging bolder thinking.

 Examples in Coaching Contexts

1. Career Transition Scenario: Create a story where the protagonist is considering a career change. Let the client make decisions about networking, skill development, and job applications, showing how each choice impacts the character’s journey.

2. Leadership Development: Craft a narrative about a leader facing a team conflict. Allow the client to choose different leadership styles and communication approaches, illustrating their effectiveness in various situations.

3. Work-Life Balance: Develop a story about balancing professional ambitions with personal life. Let clients make choices about time management, prioritization, and boundary-setting, revealing the long-term impacts of these decisions.

 The Magic of Interactive Storytelling

Imagine your clients not just listening to stories, but actively shaping them. That’s the essence of interactive storytelling. It’s an approach that turns passive listeners into engaged participants, creating a uniquely personalized experience.

 What Makes It Special?

1. Active Participation: Clients make decisions that influence the story’s direction.

2. Personalized Experience: Each story unfolds differently based on client choices.

3. Deeper Engagement: By being part of the narrative, clients stay focused and invested.

 Why It’s a Game-Changer for Coaches

Interactive storytelling isn’t just engaging – it’s transformative. Here’s why:

  • Boosts Learning Retention: Active involvement dramatically increases information retention.
  • Builds Stronger Connections: Shared decision-making fosters trust and deeper client-coach relationships.
  • Enhances Problem-Solving Skills: Clients practice decision-making in a safe, controlled environment.

 Implementing Interactive Storytelling in Your Practice

Ready to revolutionize your coaching sessions? Here are some practical tips:

1. Use Relatable Scenarios: Create situations mirroring your clients’ challenges.

2. Leverage Technology: Explore interactive eBooks or custom apps for a dynamic edge.

3. Offer Multiple Endings: Let clients explore various solutions and learn from different outcomes.

 The Accountability Factor

Interactive storytelling goes beyond engagement – it’s a powerful tool for fostering accountability:

  • Choice-Driven Outcomes: Show clients the ripple effects of their decisions.
  • Reflective Discussions: Use story outcomes to spark conversations about real-life goals.
  • Goal-Oriented Narratives: Craft stories that align with clients’ objectives.

 Bringing It All Together

By incorporating interactive storytelling into your coaching toolkit, you’re not just telling stories – you’re creating experiences. It’s a fresh, dynamic approach that makes your coaching more personal, impactful, and memorable.

Remember, the key is to make your clients feel like active participants in their own growth journey. With interactive storytelling, you’re not just a coach; you’re a guide in their unfolding narrative of success.

 Ready to Transform Your Coaching Experience?

If you’re excited about the potential of interactive storytelling in your coaching practice but unsure where to start, we’re here to help. Skinny Brown Dog Media specializes in creating tailored interactive storytelling solutions for coaches and educators.

 Take the Next Step:

1. Explore Custom Solutions: Let us design interactive stories that align perfectly with your coaching style and client needs.

2. Learn the Techniques: Join our workshops to master the art of interactive storytelling in coaching.

3. Implement with Confidence: Get ongoing support as you integrate these powerful tools into your practice.

Don’t let your coaching sessions remain static. Embrace the power of interactive storytelling and watch your clients’ engagement and progress soar!

Contact Skinny Brown Dog Media today to start your interactive storytelling journey. Together, we’ll create coaching experiences that truly resonate and transform lives.

Email: [email protected]


Transform your coaching. Empower your clients. Contact us now!

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Social Media for Writers: A Comprehensive Guide to the Top Platforms Tue, 03 Sep 2024 05:50:13 +0000 In today’s digital age, social media has become an indispensable tool for writers and authors aiming to connect with their audience, build their brand, and promote their work. With billions of daily users across platforms like Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram, mastering social media is essential for any writer wanting to thrive in a competitive landscape.

 Why Social Media Matters for Authors

In a world flooded with content, standing out as a writer can be challenging—especially for independent authors competing with traditionally published writers backed by significant marketing resources.

This is where social media comes in. These platforms provide a unique opportunity to showcase your personality, engage directly with readers, and establish a loyal fan base. A robust online presence can help you connect with your target audience and open doors to networking opportunities, collaborations, and book sales.

The good news? You don’t need to be a social media marketing expert to create compelling content. Let’s explore some strategies to elevate your author platform while creating authentic and engaging content for your fans.

 What is the Best Social Platform for Authors?

Each social media platform has its strengths, catering to different demographics. Understanding the nuances of each platform and tailoring your approach can significantly enhance your social media strategy.


With over 2.8 billion monthly active users, Facebook remains a powerhouse for authors. Although marketing your books via your personal page is an option, it’s recommended to create a dedicated author page to comply with Facebook’s terms of service. Facebook is ideal for hosting live Q&A sessions and joining writer groups to network with fellow authors and potential readers. Its demographics tend to skew older, so if that’s your target audience, Facebook is where you need to be.

Check out how Neil Gaiman engages his audience on Facebook.


Despite potential bans and controversies, TikTok remains a fantastic platform for writers, especially if you’re targeting a younger audience. Its short-form video content allows you to showcase your creativity, participate in trends, and share snippets of your writing process.

Get inspired by John Green’s TikTok presence.


A visually driven platform, Instagram is perfect for showcasing your creative process, book covers, and behind-the-scenes glimpses into your life as a writer. Use stories for interactive content, collaborate with Bookstagrammers for reviews and shoutouts, and engage with your audience through polls and Q&A sessions.

See how illustrator Darren Farrell and author A.E. Kincaid use Instagram


Video content is increasingly popular, and YouTube offers authors a platform to share book trailers, author interviews, and writing tips. Consistency is key, so commit to a regular upload schedule, engage with viewers through comments, and leverage SEO techniques to increase discoverability.

Watch how Brandon Sanderson utilizes YouTube effectively.


Goodreads is a haven for book lovers and provides authors a dedicated space to connect with readers, host giveaways, and participate in forums. Encourage your readers to leave reviews, join book clubs related to your genre, and use Goodreads ads to reach a wider audience.

Check out Caimh McDonnell’s successful Goodreads page.


Pinterest offers a wealth of inspiration for writers, with boards dedicated to writing prompts, character development, and plot ideas. Create visually appealing pins showcasing your books, writing tips, and favorite reads, and join group boards to expand your reach.

Explore Sylvia Day’s beautifully curated Pinterest page.

X (formerly Twitter) 

Despite recent challenges, X remains a go-to platform for real-time conversations, sharing updates, and connecting with influencers and literary agents. Use relevant hashtags to boost your visibility and attract followers.


Looking for a Twitter alternative? BlueSky offers many of the same features without the drama. Authors like Katie Mack, George Penney, and John Scalzi are already making waves on BlueSky.

 How Many Social Media Platforms Should I Be On?

While being present on all platforms can be beneficial, it’s essential to focus your energy on one primary platform to avoid spreading yourself too thin. Consider repurposing content across platforms to maintain a presence without overwhelming yourself. For instance, content created for TikTok can be easily shared on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.

 Which Social Media Platform Should I Focus On?

Choose the platform where your readers are most active. However, it’s equally important to select a platform that allows you to be authentic and comfortable. If a platform doesn’t resonate with you or your content isn’t gaining traction, consider exploring other options until you find the right fit.

 Optimizing Your Social Media Presence: 5 Tips

1. Content is King 

   Focus on creating high-quality, engaging content that resonates with your audience. Be yourself—authenticity is your most powerful tool.

2. Scheduling and Automation 

   Use tools like [Hootsuite]( or [Buffer]( to schedule posts in advance, ensuring consistent presence without daily hassle.

3. Analytics and Insights 

   Regularly analyze your social media metrics to understand which content performs best and adjust your strategy to maximize engagement.

4. Building Relationships 

   Social media isn’t just about self-promotion. Engage with your audience, respond to comments, participate in discussions, and support fellow writers.

5. Paid Advertising 

   Consider investing in paid advertising on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Goodreads to target specific demographics and boost your visibility.

 Social Media is a Must-Have Marketing Strategy

Social media offers an unparalleled opportunity to amplify your voice, connect with readers, and elevate your writing career. By understanding the unique strengths of each platform and implementing effective strategies, you can harness the power of social media to build your brand and achieve your literary aspirations.

Need help crafting a social media strategy?  Skinny Brown Dog Media offers comprehensive book marketing services for self-published authors. Reach out to our experts today and take your social media presence to the next level!

Wanter vs. The Needer Tue, 03 Sep 2024 05:36:35 +0000 Have you ever shared a goal with someone, only to be met with a raised eyebrow and the question, “Why?” How did you respond? Did you find yourself justifying your ambition, explaining its nobility? Or did you simply state, “Because I want it,” without feeling the need for further explanation?

This scenario highlights a crucial distinction that can significantly impact your success and personal growth: the difference between being a “wanter” and a “needer.”

 The Wanter vs. The Needer

Entrepreneur coach Dan Sullivan observed that the most successful entrepreneurs tend to be “wanters” rather than “needers.” But what exactly does this mean?

 The Needer’s Dilemma

Needers often feel compelled to justify why they need their goals. They might say:

  • “I need to be a bestselling author to prove my worth.”
  • “I need to earn six figures to feel successful.”

The problem? Once needers achieve their goals, they often stop expanding. They’ve met their need, so why push further?

 The Wanter’s Advantage

Wanters, on the other hand, simply want what they want. They don’t waste time questioning or justifying their desires. This mindset allows them to:

  • 1. Continue expanding and evolving, seemingly without limit
  • 2. Pursue goals with unapologetic passion
  • 3. Move from one achievement to the next without losing momentum

 The Power of “Because I Want To”

Think about the areas in your life where you’ve excelled the most. Chances are, these are domains where you were driven by an internal desire rather than external pressure or perceived necessity.

For example:

  • Learning to play the guitar? Because I want to.
  • Writing music? Because I want to.
  • Bench pressing twice your bodyweight? Because I want to.

These pursuits often feel as natural and unquestioned as the urge to pet a kitten or puppy – you do it “just because.”

 Transforming Needs into Wants

While the distinction between wants and needs is crucial, it’s also worth noting that there’s power in transforming needs into wants, and even in embodying your desires as if you’ve already achieved them. However, these are topics for another day.

 The Experiment: Embracing Your Wants

Here’s a simple yet powerful experiment you can try:

  • 1. Choose a goal you have.
  • 2. State it plainly: “I want X because I want X.”
  • 3. Resist the urge to justify or explain further.
  • 4. Repeat this statement until it feels completely natural.

For instance: “I want to be a bestselling author because I want to be a bestselling author.”

How does this feel? What shifts do you notice in your mindset or motivation?

 Conclusion: Unleashing Your True Potential

By embracing the “wanter” mindset, you free yourself from the constraints of justification and external validation. You open the door to continuous growth, unapologetic ambition, and the joy of pursuing what truly excites you.

Remember, as long as your wants are ethical and positive, there’s no need to justify them. Your desires are valid simply because they are yours.

So, what do you want? And are you ready to pursue it with the unrestrained passion of a true “wanter”?

What goals have you been justifying that you could simply want instead? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

The 3 Pillars of Influence Mon, 19 Aug 2024 06:54:13 +0000 The 3 Pillars of Influence: Unlocking Your Full Potential as an Authority

Are you struggling to establish yourself as an authority in your field? Does it feel like your message isn’t reaching as many people as it could? You’re not alone. Many experts and entrepreneurs grapple with building credibility, scaling their impact, and effectively reaching their target audience.

The solution lies in a strategic approach that leverages the power of three key pillars: books, courses, and social media. In this article, we’ll delve into why these pillars are crucial for anyone looking to grow their influence, make a significant impact, and scale their business.

 The Trifecta Strategy: Books, Courses, and Social Media

A smarter approach is to leverage all three pillars of influence, creating a well-rounded and powerful presence in your field. Let’s explore the benefits of each pillar and how to use them effectively.

 Pillar 1: Books

A book is the ultimate credibility booster. It’s a tangible representation of your knowledge and expertise, opening doors to speaking engagements, media appearances, and new business opportunities. Research shows that publishing a book can significantly boost an individual’s perceived expertise and authority. For example, a study in the Journal of Business and Psychology found that authors are viewed as more credible, competent, and trustworthy compared to non-authors.

How to leverage books for influence:

  • Choose a topic that showcases your unique expertise.
  • Structure your book to provide actionable insights.
  • Use personal stories and case studies to illustrate your points.
  • Include a call-to-action that leads readers to your other offerings.

Why books matter:

  • They position you as a thought leader.
  • Books have a long shelf life, providing ongoing passive marketing.
  • They can be repurposed into multiple content formats.

Pro Tip: Always work with a professional book coach or editor when writing a book—this will be the most important asset you ever create. Quality is crucial.

 Pillar 2: Courses

Online courses allow you to package your knowledge into a scalable, interactive format. They offer a deeper level of engagement with your audience and can become a significant passive revenue stream. According to a study by Docebo, the global eLearning market is expected to reach $375 billion by 2026, highlighting the growing demand for online education.

How to create impactful courses:

  • Identify your audience’s biggest pain points.
  • Design a curriculum that addresses these challenges.
  • Include a mix of video lessons, worksheets, and interactive elements.
  • Embed the course within a community platform to foster engagement among students.

Why courses are essential:

  • They offer a higher-value product than books or social media content alone.
  • Courses build a community of engaged learners.
  • They allow you to showcase your teaching ability and personality.

 Pillar 3: Social Media

Social media gives you daily touchpoints with your audience. It’s where you can share bite-sized wisdom, engage in conversations, and drive traffic to your other offers, such as books, courses, and speaking engagements. A report by Deloitte found that companies with a strong social media presence have a 23% higher growth rate compared to their competitors.

How to maximize social media impact:

  • Choose platforms where your target audience is most active.
  • Create a content calendar that balances promotion and value-giving.
  • Use a mix of content types: text, images, videos, and live events.
  • Engage with your followers regularly through comments and direct messages.

Why social media is crucial:

  • It provides immediate feedback and audience insights.
  • Allows for real-time engagement and relationship building.
  • Offers opportunities for viral content and rapid audience growth.

 Synergy: How the Three Pillars Work Together

The real magic happens when you integrate all three pillars. Here are some strategies:

  • Use social media to share excerpts from your book and tease course content.
  • Include social proof from your social media following in your book.
  • Offer your book as a bonus for course participants.
  • Create a social media challenge based on your course curriculum.
  • Use insights from social media engagement to inform your next book topic.

By combining these three pillars, you create a powerful ecosystem of influence that reinforces itself and provides multiple entry points for your audience.

 Action Steps: Building Your Influence Trifecta

Ready to start building your trifecta of influence? Here’s what to do next:

1. Outline your area of expertise and unique perspective.

2. Draft a book proposal or outline.

3. Sketch out a potential course curriculum based on your book.

4. Identify 1-3 social media platforms where your audience is active.

5. Create a content calendar that promotes your services, book, and course.

6. Set specific goals for each pillar (e.g., book sales, course enrollments, social media engagement).

7. Develop a system to repurpose content across all platforms.

8. Plan collaborations or partnerships that can boost your visibility in each area.

9. Focus on the area that will bring you the most ROI first, then circle back to the others.

 The Bottom Line

When a prospect comes across an expert in the area they need help with, they typically:

  • Look for social media content produced by the expert.
    • Check if the expert has distilled this information into a course or book to solve their problem.
    • Some may pay a premium for more personalized access, such as one-on-one or group services.

Ready to start building your trifecta of influence? Here’s what to do next:

1. Outline your area of expertise and unique perspective.

2. Draft a book proposal or outline.

3. Sketch out a potential course curriculum based on your book.

4. Identify 1-3 social media platforms where your audience is active.

5. Create a content calendar that promotes your services, book, and course.

6. Set specific goals for each pillar (e.g., book sales, course enrollments, social media engagement).

7. Develop a system to repurpose content across all platforms.

8. Plan collaborations or partnerships that can boost your visibility in each area.

9. Focus on the area that will bring you the most ROI first, then circle back to the others.

This might seem overwhelming, but it’s exactly what our team at Skinny Brown Dog Media does every day. We specialize in helping experts and entrepreneurs like you build and integrate these pillars of influence to grow your reach and impact. Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to refine your strategy, we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

Let it Go Mon, 19 Aug 2024 06:50:33 +0000 Sometimes You Have to “Let It Go” to Know: Embracing Feedback in the Creative Process

Every creative faces the same nagging question: Is this work good enough to share with the world?

Before you even reach the “good enough to publish” stage, there’s an earlier and crucial step: “Good enough for feedback.”

 Let It Go: Seeking Feedback to Refine Your Work

Just like Elsa in Frozen, you sometimes have to let it go to truly discover the magic within. Your initial goal with your manuscript should be to get it good enough to present to a developmental editor. Later, it needs to be ready for feedback from early readers. The same goes for your book cover, title ideas, and description—all these elements should go through the feedback stage before they are polished to perfection.

This might sound obvious, yet many authors struggle because they spend too much time refining their work alone, without seeking outside perspectives. The key is to share your work with a select few trusted individuals to gather the feedback necessary to make it “good enough for publication.”

 Embrace Imperfection: Letting Go of Perfectionism

Elsa had to learn to embrace her powers and let go of her fears. Similarly, you need to be comfortable with sharing imperfect, and sometimes even messy, work. It requires a willingness to let go of perfectionism and embrace the messiness of the creative process.

Whenever I find myself stuck, I ask, “Is this good enough for feedback?” If the answer is yes, seeking feedback becomes my top priority. The sooner you get feedback, the sooner you’ll uncover what you need to move forward.

 Discover Your Creative Magic

Remember, sometimes you have to “let it go” to truly know. By embracing feedback and letting go of the need for perfection, you’ll discover the magic within your creative process and transform your work into something truly spectacular. So, take a cue from Elsa, and let it go—because that’s when the real magic happens.

Build Your Personal Brand and Sell More Books Thu, 01 Aug 2024 07:20:01 +0000 In the crowded world of publishing, standing out is crucial. Building a personal brand as an author can significantly enhance your visibility and attract a loyal readership. Whether you’re a debut novelist or a seasoned writer, cultivating a unique and compelling personal brand is essential for book promotion. Here’s a guide to help you navigate the process and build a brand that resonates with your audience.

 Understanding Personal Branding for Authors

Personal branding is about more than just marketing; it’s about crafting an identity that reflects your values, personality, and the essence of your work. It’s how readers perceive you and what they can expect from your books. A strong personal brand can lead to more opportunities, better reader engagement, and increased sales.

 Steps to Build Your Author Brand

 1. Define Your Brand Identity

Start by identifying what makes you unique as a writer. Consider your genre, writing style, themes, and the message you want to convey. Ask yourself:

  • What are my core values?
  • What is the tone of my writing?
  • What themes do I frequently explore?
  • How do I want my readers to feel when they read my books?

Example: J.K. Rowling’s brand is synonymous with magical worlds, intricate plots, and character-driven stories. Her core values include perseverance and the importance of friendship, which resonate deeply with her readers.

Answering these questions will help you develop a clear and consistent brand identity.

 2. Create a Professional Online Presence

Your online presence is often the first impression you make on potential readers. Ensure it reflects your brand:

  • Website: Design a professional website that showcases your books, biography, and contact information. Include a blog to share updates, writing tips, or behind-the-scenes looks at your writing process.

Example: Neil Gaiman’s website is a hub for fans, featuring his blog, upcoming events, and information about his works. It reflects his whimsical and imaginative style.

  • Social Media: Choose platforms that best suit your audience. Consistently share content that aligns with your brand, such as book excerpts, writing advice, or personal anecdotes.

  Example: On Instagram, Rupi Kaur shares her poetry and personal reflections, aligning with her brand as a modern, introspective poet. Her visually appealing posts and engaging captions foster a strong connection with her audience.

 3. Engage with Your Audience

Building a personal brand is not a one-way street. Engage with your readers through:

  • Social Media Interactions: Respond to comments, participate in conversations, and show appreciation for your followers.

Example: Author Angie Thomas regularly interacts with her followers on Twitter, discussing social issues and sharing insights about her writing, which helps her connect deeply with her readers.

  • Newsletters: Send regular updates about your writing journey, upcoming releases, and exclusive content. Make it personal and valuable to keep your subscribers engaged.

Example: Brandon Sanderson’s newsletters are eagerly anticipated by his fans, offering sneak peeks into his writing process, exclusive short stories, and updates on his projects.

 4. Network with Other Authors and Influencers

Connecting with other authors and influencers in your genre can help expand your reach. Participate in writing groups, attend literary events, and collaborate on projects. Guest blogging and interviews can also expose you to new audiences.

Example: Leigh Bardugo, author of the “Grishaverse” series, frequently collaborates with other authors for book tours and online events, expanding her audience through shared fanbases.

 5. Leverage Reviews and Testimonials

Positive reviews and testimonials can significantly boost your credibility. Encourage readers to leave reviews on platforms like Amazon and Goodreads. Share these testimonials on your website and social media to build trust with potential readers.

Example: Colleen Hoover often highlights glowing reader reviews and testimonials on her social media, enhancing her credibility and encouraging new readers to pick up her books.

 6. Stay Authentic

Authenticity is key to a successful personal brand. Stay true to your voice and values, and don’t be afraid to show your personality. Readers are more likely to connect with a genuine, relatable author.

Example: Stephen King’s approachable and down-to-earth interactions with fans on social media, along with his candidness about his writing journey, make him feel accessible and authentic to his readers.

 Practical Tips for Maintaining Your Brand

  • Consistency is Crucial: Maintain a consistent voice and aesthetic across all platforms.
  • Adapt and Evolve: As your career progresses, your brand may evolve. Stay open to change and regularly assess your branding strategy.
  • Measure Your Success: Use analytics to track the effectiveness of your branding efforts. Adjust your strategies based on what works best for your audience.

 Enhance Your Brand with Skinny Brown Dog Media

For authors looking to take their personal brand to the next level, partnering with a media expert can be invaluable. Skinny Brown Dog Media is your go-to partner for innovative media solutions that elevate your brand and connect with your audience in meaningful ways. Here’s how Skinny Brown Dog Media can help:

 Why Choose Skinny Brown Dog Media?

At Skinny Brown Dog Media, we understand that every brand has a unique story to tell. Our mission is to help you tell that story in the most engaging and impactful way possible. Here’s why we stand out:

 Tailored Strategies

We believe in personalized solutions. Our team takes the time to understand your brand, your audience, and your goals to create strategies that are tailored to your specific needs.

 Creative Excellence

Our creative team excels in producing high-quality content that captures attention. From stunning visuals to captivating copy, we ensure your brand message is delivered with flair and precision.

 Comprehensive Services

We offer a wide range of services to cover all your media needs, including:

  • Brand Strategy Development: Craft a cohesive and compelling brand identity.
  • Content Creation: Produce engaging content across all platforms, from social media posts to full-scale video productions.
  • Digital Marketing: Implement effective digital marketing strategies that drive engagement and conversions.
  • Public Relations: Build and maintain a positive public image with strategic PR initiatives.

 Proven Track Record

With a portfolio of successful projects and satisfied clients, Skinny Brown Dog Media has a proven track record of delivering results. We pride ourselves on our ability to exceed expectations and drive tangible outcomes for our clients.

 Our Approach

Our approach is collaborative and client-centric. We work closely with you to ensure that every project aligns with your vision and objectives. Here’s how we do it:

 Discovery and Research

We start by getting to know your brand inside and out. Through thorough research and discovery sessions, we uncover key insights that inform our strategy.

 Strategy Development

Based on our findings, we develop a strategic plan that outlines the best approach to achieve your goals. This plan serves as a roadmap for our creative and marketing efforts.

 Creative Execution

Our talented team brings the strategy to life with creative executions that captivate and inspire. Whether it’s a video production, a social media campaign, or a brand overhaul, we ensure every detail is perfect.

 Measurement and Optimization

We believe in continuous improvement. After launching a campaign, we monitor its performance closely and make data-driven optimizations to maximize its effectiveness.

Get in Touch

Ready to elevate your brand? Contact Skinny Brown Dog Media today to start your journey towards greater visibility and success. Visit our website at ( to learn more about our services and view our portfolio.

Building a personal brand as an author is a dynamic and ongoing process. By defining your identity, creating a professional online presence, engaging with your audience, and staying authentic, you can create a brand that not only stands out but also resonates deeply with readers. Partnering with experts like Skinny Brown Dog Media can further enhance your branding efforts, opening doors to new opportunities and a dedicated fanbase.

Start today and watch your author brand flourish. Contact  Skinny Brown Dog Media for expert assistance in taking your brand to the next level.

Why Indie Authors Should Choose a Publisher Affiliated with IBPA Fri, 26 Jul 2024 07:16:48 +0000 Hello, fellow authors! At Skinny Brown Dog Media, we understand the unique challenges and exciting opportunities that come with being an indie author. Navigating the self-publishing landscape can feel like a monumental task, but we believe that one strategic decision can significantly enhance your success: partnering with a publisher who is a member of the Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA). Here’s why aligning with an IBPA-affiliated publisher can be a game-changer for your writing career, and why we, at Skinny Brown Dog Media, are proud to be a part of this prestigious association.

 1. Credibility and Professionalism

Choosing a publisher who is a member of the IBPA, like Skinny Brown Dog Media, means you’re aligning yourself with an organization dedicated to upholding the highest standards of professionalism in publishing. The IBPA’s strict code of ethics ensures that its members are committed to transparency, fair dealings, and integrity. This association lends your book a stamp of credibility that can be crucial in gaining the trust of readers, reviewers, and industry professionals. With us, your book is in safe, professional hands.

 2. Access to a Wealth of Resources

As an IBPA member, we have access to a plethora of resources that dramatically improve the quality of your book. From workshops and webinars to marketing tools and distribution networks, these resources help us stay updated with the latest industry trends and best practices. When you work with Skinny Brown Dog Media, you benefit directly from our enhanced knowledge and capabilities, ensuring your book is produced and promoted to the highest standards.

 3. Enhanced Distribution Channels

Getting your book into the hands of readers is one of the most significant challenges for indie authors. As an IBPA-affiliated publisher, we have established relationships with major distributors and retailers, both online and offline. This network significantly increases your book’s visibility and availability, leading to higher sales and a broader audience reach. With Skinny Brown Dog Media, your book is more likely to find its way to the readers who will love it.

 4. Marketing and Promotional Support

We know marketing can be daunting, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the myriad of strategies available. As IBPA members, we have access to exclusive marketing tools and platforms. At Skinny Brown Dog Media, we provide you with professional marketing plans, media kits, and promotional strategies tailored to your book’s genre and target audience. This support is invaluable in building your author brand and driving book sales. We’re here to help your book shine.

 5. Advocacy and Industry Representation

The publishing industry can be complex and intimidating, especially for new authors. The IBPA advocates for indie publishers and authors, representing their interests in the broader publishing ecosystem. This advocacy can lead to greater opportunities for visibility and recognition within the industry, as well as influence policies that support the growth and sustainability of indie publishing. We at Skinny Brown Dog Media are proud to be part of this advocacy, ensuring our authors’ interests are well represented.

 6. Networking Opportunities

Being part of the IBPA network means we can connect with other industry professionals, including authors, editors, designers, and marketers. These connections can lead to collaborations, partnerships, and opportunities that might otherwise be out of reach. Networking within this community provides valuable insights and advice, helping us navigate the publishing landscape more effectively. We leverage these connections to benefit our authors, creating a supportive and resource-rich environment for you.

 7. Education and Development

Continuous learning is essential in the ever-changing world of publishing. IBPA offers educational programs that cover a wide range of topics, from writing and editing to marketing and legal issues. As your publisher, we participate in these programs to bring back valuable knowledge that directly benefits you. By choosing Skinny Brown Dog Media, you ensure that your publishing partner is committed to ongoing professional development, which in turn enhances the quality and success of your book.


In the competitive world of indie publishing, having a publisher who is a member of the IBPA can provide you with significant advantages. From enhanced credibility and professional resources to improved distribution and marketing support, the benefits are substantial. By aligning yourself with an IBPA-affiliated publisher, you can focus more on your writing while trusting that the business side of publishing is in capable hands.

At Skinny Brown Dog Media, we are proud to be a member of the IBPA, embodying all the values and standards that make IBPA-affiliated publishers exceptional. By choosing us, you are not only gaining a reliable publishing partner but also tapping into a network of resources, expertise, and support designed to help your author career flourish.

Take the next step in your writing journey with confidence. Choose Skinny Brown Dog Media, a proud IBPA member, and watch your author career thrive!

3 Issues with Selling Books on Amazon KDP in 2024 Mon, 22 Jul 2024 13:30:09 +0000 Selling your book on Amazon has never been easier as an author and I am grateful for all Amazon has done for indie authors. But in working with more than 500 authors over the last seven years, I can tell you there has never been a more difficult time to deal with Amazon KDP than we are experiencing right now. If you’re wondering what is up with KDP or you’re about to upload a book to Amazon KDP and you want to know what to watch out for? Well, this video is for you. Hey there, I’m Julie, the book broad founder of book launchers, a full service self publishing company helping you write publish and promote a nonfiction book that is set up to sell. Well, publishing a book on Amazon has not been without its challenges and issues. We’ve seen more issues this year than ever before. Let’s run through the three key ones we’re seeing and what you can do about it. Number one, publishing rights. Amazon has started asking some authors to prove they have the rights to their own work. This can be tricky for self published authors and can be upsetting, especially if Amazon suspends your account until you can provide the proof it asks for this issue is a great reason to file for copyright as soon as your book is complete, rather than waiting until after launch, so that you have the documentation to submit. If you do get caught up in this one, this actually happened to me last year. So it’s not a brand new issue. We’re just seeing it more and more. They flagged, self promote and succeed we sent in the copyright letter I had received when we submitted it and all was well as always having the right documentation and giving them a prompt reply. When they flag something is always important. a delayed response can trigger an account suspension. So make sure you’re monitoring the email that you submitted your book through to delays, delays, delays, things that used to take 48 hours are taking so much longer. Now. We’ve been seeing this for the last few months, many authors have been caught in what KTP support calls, a technical glitch that led to tons of books getting caught in processing purgatory for weeks at a time with nothing the author can do except wait. This is extremely frustrating, especially for us because authors are looking to us for guidance. And we have set timelines based on years of experience, not on months of glitches. So we will tell you that what we’re telling our authors now is to give yourself weeks more time than you think you need. If you’re an author that thinks you’re going to load to launch as in skip any sort of pre sale, I would not start promoting that launch date until your book is live. Because of this number three suspensions and terminations Amazon maintains the right to suspend or terminate your KDP account at any time, and withhold any outstanding royalties you might be owed at that time. This has always been the case. Sometimes these account issues stem from very legitimate causes, like if you try to publish a book that isn’t yours, or you violate KTPs terms and conditions by maintaining multiple active KDP accounts, or starting a new account after your old one was terminated. All of those reasons are things you should not do. And it’s totally legitimate that Amazon would suspend or terminate your account. But this year, and while it’s happened to authors in the past years, as well, this is the first year we’ve run into it multiple times. And in this situation, there doesn’t seem to be any justifiable reason why it’s happening. And it’s super scary. And we’re seeing this in the forums and the chats that were a part of and one of them said, Oh, well, my father’s friend had his high up in KDP. And that’s how I got it resolved. A friend of mine has a built has built a relationship with someone in KDP. That helps him out of his own snags. But for most of us normal folks were stuck resolving issues with tickets, chat boxes, and a lot of hoping and praying and just trying to get a human that will help us and if the account is terminated and all other methods of resolution fail, hiring a lawyer to step in and resolve it for you is the answer. One of the legal firms that’s come recommended and you can hire will charge at least $2,500 for the resolution of your issue. It’s well worth it for many authors to get back in business on Amazon. But there’s no compensation for the sales you lost while you were terminated or suspended, even if it was without a good reason. So what can you do? Well, you can boycott Amazon and KDP altogether. Many authors are doing that if you’re big enough, like David Goggins, you can sue Amazon, although he’s not suing for an account termination. He’s suing because Amazon didn’t do anything about the fraudulent books that were being sold. So they didn’t shut down the accounts that weren’t legitimate. Amazon still made money, so they didn’t seem to be motivated to do anything about it, according to him. So here are legitimate authors getting their accounts terminated, while others are stealing the work of other authors and selling it and successfully doing so. Anyways, my approach is to always remember the fact that self publishing, owning your own rights and making more money per book is now largely possible thanks to Amazon, and while they could do a lot more to help us authors out, they aren’t the enemy. While waiting weeks and weeks and weeks it takes to sort out the issues that you might encounter with KDP. I would highly recommend you set yourself up to be wide while Like your KDP account can be terminated Ingram Spark can continue to sell your print book on Amazon, and even potentially your ebook. You could also be selling direct to your reader, which is something we recommend strongly. Now, I owe you all a video on setting up your direct sales for print books as I’ve updated how we do this. So subscribe to the channel, make sure you turn those notifications on if you want that. But there’s also this video right here on selling your audiobooks wide with aggregators. And this one right here on selling books direct to your reader and this one on what to do if your Amazon account is in fact suspended. So go ahead choose one of these are eight fabulous videos. I’ll see you there.

 Navigating the Challenges of Amazon KDP in 2024: What Indie Authors Need to Know Mon, 22 Jul 2024 13:21:44 +0000 Selling your book on Amazon has never been easier for indie authors, and I am genuinely grateful for all Amazon has done to support the self-publishing community. However, in working with over 500 authors over the last seven years, I can confidently say that dealing with Amazon KDP has never been more challenging than it is right now. If you’re wondering what issues to watch out for before uploading your book to Amazon KDP, this blog is for you.

 The Top 3 Issues with Amazon KDP in 2024

1. Publishing Rights Verification

Amazon has stepped up its efforts to verify whether authors have the rights to publish their books. This means that authors are now frequently asked to provide proof of their publishing rights. While this might seem straightforward, it can be quite tricky and upsetting, especially if your account is suspended while you’re gathering the necessary documentation. To avoid this hassle, it’s crucial to file for copyright as soon as your book is complete rather than waiting until after launch. Promptly responding to Amazon’s requests with the right documentation can prevent delayed responses that might trigger an account suspension.

2. Delays in Processing

Over the past few months, we’ve noticed significant delays in the processing times for book submissions on KDP. What used to take 48 hours can now take weeks due to technical glitches within Amazon’s system. This can leave your book stuck in processing purgatory, with nothing you can do but wait. These delays are incredibly frustrating, especially if you have set timelines based on years of experience. To cope with this, we advise our authors to allow for weeks more time than they think they need. Avoid promoting a specific launch date until your book is live to prevent any last-minute disappointments.

3. Account Suspensions and Terminations

Amazon maintains the right to suspend or terminate KDP accounts at any time, often withholding any outstanding royalties. While this policy isn’t new, 2024 has seen an increase in account suspensions and terminations without clear reasons. This can be a nightmare for authors who find themselves caught in the crossfire. Resolving these issues can be arduous and may require legal intervention, which can be costly. If your account is terminated, and other resolution methods fail, hiring a lawyer might be necessary to get back in business on Amazon.

 What Can You Do?

While Amazon KDP offers incredible opportunities for self-publishing, these challenges highlight the importance of being prepared and having a backup plan. Here are a few recommendations:

  • File for Copyright Early: Ensure you have all the necessary documentation to prove your publishing rights.
  • Plan for Delays: Allow extra time for the processing of your book and avoid promoting a specific launch date until your book is live.
  • Diversify Your Distribution: Consider using IngramSpark to sell your print books on Amazon and other platforms. Selling directly to your readers is also a great option to maintain control over your sales and distribution.

Remember, self-publishing, owning your own rights, and making more money per book is now largely possible thanks to platforms like Amazon. While they could do more to support authors, they aren’t the enemy. However, it’s wise to set yourself up to be wide, ensuring you have multiple channels for selling your books.

If you’re looking to avoid these pitfalls and need professional guidance, contact Skinny Brown Dog Media. We’re here to help you navigate the complexities of self-publishing and ensure your book reaches its full potential. Visit [Skinny Brown Dog Media( to learn more.

Navigating Amazon KDP can be daunting, but with the right preparation and support, you can successfully publish and promote your book. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. Reach out to experts who can guide you through the process and help you achieve your publishing goals.
