Skinny Brown Dog Media The Home for Visionary Storytellers Wed, 06 Mar 2024 12:43:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Increase Social Media Business Engagement Tue, 20 Jul 2021 10:39:43 +0000 Running social media for a small business can be intimidating, and when you have hardly any engagement, it can feel like a waste of time. Why post every week or even every day if no one is listening?

Before we dive into how to increase social media engagement, it’s important to remember why social media is important. Like we talked about in our post, “Why Your Company Should Be On Social Media,” an active social media presence can boost search engine rankings, increase sales and give your amazing insights as to what your audience is actually interested in.

Sound worthwhile? Let’s talk about increasing the engagement levels, then!

1. Be engaging

If you want to increase social media engagement, you need to be engaging. Don’t just post the same old content, hoping that you’ll finally go viral. That’s not the goal. The goal is to form a relationship with your audience and to be someone worth listening to. Here are a few ways to make your content more engaging:

  • Post helpful content. If you want customers to listen, give them the information they’re looking for. Share tips from your field of expertise. This will only help to grow your audience and establish your expertise.
  • Use a mix of captivating visuals. Posting the same image type is sure to lead to a lack of interest. Instead, mix up your visuals, rotating between high-quality images, quotes, or images with text content, videos, and more.
  • Ask questions. Social media isn’t a post-and-forget-it platform. Rather, you should stick around and start conversations by asking questions. You may get no interaction at first, but you’ll never get interactions if you stop asking questions. Over time, as you post interesting content and continue to ask questions, you’ll get some responses. Moreover, you can customize your questions based on the more successful types. (For example, don’t ask yes and no questions. Focus on questions that people will have a strong opinion on or that they’ll resonate with. Even asking chocolate cake versus vanilla is an engaging question!)

2. Engage with others

What better way to increase engagement than to engage with others actively? This is when an active social media account (leaving your profile to start conversations elsewhere) will often surpass a passive account (waiting for people to find your profile). Here are some ways to get started!

Brand Strategies for Business Growth Tue, 20 Jul 2021 10:39:26 +0000 Does your brand growth strategy need a shakeup? If you’re unsure what direction to head in next, it helps to see what others are up to. In this hyper-connected world with so much noise and competition, branding and marketing have grown dramatically in influence and importance. Startups and mature businesses alike are seeking growth and long-term profitability — and it’s getting harder to come by amidst the clutter. Brands help people distill information, simplify choices, and make decisions.

Find growth and long-term profitability by offering a highly differentiated product or service. If not, you’ll find yourself in a race to the bottom on price

A well-designed and strategic brand influences just how well (and quickly) your business grows. Please take a look at our top brand strategies for growth!

1. Establish clear business objectives.

What are your monetary goals? What are your main services? Do you have clear workflows for onboarding and communicating with clients? You need to know where you’re going and how you’ll get there before moving forward with brand strategy development.

2. Get clear on your target audience.

It would be best if you targeted an audience that can evolve with you. Will the people you serve today be interested in what you have to offer next year or in 5 years? Creating relationships with loyal customers now will contribute immensely to your business growth.

3. Pay attention to what your audience is interested in.

The first thing that will slow your business down is losing touch with your audience. Spend time where they do. Think about what keeps them up at night. By paying attention to what interests them, you’ll be able to evolve WITH them, instead of losing them to another business that picked up on their needs before you did.

4. Identify your unique value propositions (UVP)

In simpler terms, your unique value propositions are 2–3 ways that you do things differently, or 2–3 benefits you offer that your competitors don’t. If you’re clear on these, you’ll stand out from your competitors and will surpass them too.

5. Create a clear messaging strategy

Some of the fastest-growing businesses had clear, strategic messaging from the start. Think of Apple, who introduced the concept “Think Different” in their 1997 commercial. That slogan is still used today because it resonates with their audience and connects to Apple’s unique value proposition — that they will continue to show up and do things differently.

Your messaging strategy should contain:

  • Mission statement
  • Unique value propositions
  • Ideal client profile
  • 2–3 words you want to be described with (approachable, intelligent, engaging, etc.)
  • And so much more!

This messaging strategy will take your business growth to the next level. (We offer assistance with messaging if you need it.)

6. Design strategic visuals

After you’ve done the above, you can start to design visuals that align with your UVP, messaging strategy, and target audience. Think about how you can incorporate each of those things into the colors you choose and the designs you implement.

7. Build a website that converts

A growing business needs a website that converts. We recommend using storytelling throughout your website. This allows you to make a sale without making a sales pitch.

We specialize in brand strategies for growth, walking you through every step with strategy and in-depth expertise. Let’s talk about your brand strategy. Get in touch here and follow me on LinkedIn for more helpful tips.

Becoming a Purpose-Driven Entrepreneur Tue, 20 Jul 2021 10:39:07 +0000 A purpose-driven entrepreneur reflects on their unique experiences in life and channel that into a business that makes an impact in a way they uniquely can. They are clear on who they want to serve and align everything in their business to affect change.

Being a purpose-driven entrepreneur adds impact & quality to everything you do.

Why are you an entrepreneur? Why do you care about helping others? What is the purpose of a WHOLE behind your business?

Once you identify your purpose and start incorporating that into everything you do, you’ll see more of an impact. What you do will have a reason behind it. This leads to spending more time on what matters most in your business. You’ll stop wasting time on projects that don’t make a difference, and you’ll focus on the items that can make your business more successful. Consequently, the latest trends will become less appealing, and on the other hand, you’ll recognize applicable advice that could potentially help you directly with your purpose.

Use your why to connect to ideal clients.

We all run businesses for a variety of reasons. Some want to pay the bills on their terms. Others want flexibility, and then there are those who want to travel and be their own boss. Of course, in the mix, we have individuals who seek something beyond growing their own businesses. Rather, these individuals want to help others. They have an innate sense of serving. That’s their why.

No matter how large, or even selfish your purpose is, you can use it to connect to ideal clients. You can find others who also value travel, or perhaps you can work with others to grow their own businesses while you grow yours.

Plus, although you have your own personal why, think about who should care. Remember the people at the heart of what you do. Why do customers hire you or buy your products in the first place? Remember these reasons with every proposal, product launch, blog, etc. You can’t sell something if you don’t know why someone would want it.

Create packages with your purpose in mind.

Once you’ve identified you’re why and connected it to the people you serve in your business, you can then create valuable packages that fly off the shelves, literally or virtually. Do your customers need more time, money, or success? How can you help? Talking about your latest product in terms of the needs of your clients, for example, can help you sell that package more successfully. You can use this ‘why’ in your website copy, product listings, and on social media. You can even ask clients what they liked about your products or services, and use their own ‘why’ in your marketing material.

Be a purpose-driven entrepreneur & define your own success.

As you develop a consistent message with products and packages that correspond to your ‘why,’ you’ll find that you start to define your own success. You don’t need your own podcast, because that’s not the best way for you to pursue your business’s purpose. Or maybe a podcast would fall in line perfectly with the purpose you’ve established. You’ll start to easily see what can make your business successful, and what would be a time-wasting project. Plus, sticking to your purpose will allow you to connect simply with ideal clients and create a business you love.

Here are some questions that can help you define your purpose:

  • Why did you start a business?
  • Who do you help?
  • Why should clients be interested in what you have to offer?
  • Why did you create your products or offers in the first place?
  • How can you help?
  • What problem do you solve?
  • What transformation takes place after clients work with you?
  • How do customers feel after they’ve purchased from you?
  • What words and phrases do customers use when they talk about you/your brand?

Contact us here to build a brand centered around your purpose.

Building A Branding Budget For Your Small Business Tue, 20 Jul 2021 10:38:53 +0000 Building a realistic branding budget for small businesses requires a few upfront decisions.

  • Are you willing to outsource?
  • What’s most important to you?
  • Do you want a custom logo and a cohesive website design?
  • How do clients currently find you, and are they the clients you’d like to work with?

Outsourcing branding design and marketing can save you a lot of time and headache, and result in a stunning brand that converts clients. As you approach the decision to professionally brand your business, use this branding budget template to help you get started. Please use this as a starting point and adjust as necessary. We’ve prioritized this branding budget template based on our experience with numerous small businesses. Subsequently, these are the items that were most pertinent and beneficial for them.

1. Brand identity

The first step to any branding project should be determining your brand identity. This can be done with a brand coach or with your specific logo designer or web developer. We are a full-service brand identity and branding design agency if you need help!

2. Market research

How will you stand out from competitors? How do your services differ? Market research ensures that your business will differ from your competitors.

3. Website design

We’ve listed website design before logos because although logos and websites go hand in hand, your logo will serve no purpose if you don’t have a functional, reliable website. Your website should adequately present your products or services, answer questions, and identify with your ideal clients. In addition, website design encompasses:

  • Domain registration (buying the actual URL and paying an annual fee)
  • Hosting (paying a monthly fee to keep your website live)
  • Initial website development (most likely requiring investment for a custom site)
  • Updates (learning how to update your site or paying your developer to make changes as needed)
  • Email hosting (also consists of a monthly fee)

4. Logo design

To compliment your custom website design, you’ll need a unique logo. This is your primary visual brand identity and will be placed on social media, on business cards, throughout your website, and more. Plus, it adds a level of professionalism, and when done correctly, draws the right clients to you.

5. Professional brand photographer

With website design, comes the need for a professional photographer. Using stock images can result in a basic brand image. Show clients your process and highlight your specific services with professional brand photography! Moreover, these images can be used throughout your website, proposals, pricing guides, social media, and more!

6. Content writer

A content writer also goes hand in hand with a new website design. You can go about this two-fold — hire a professional content editor to proofread and optimize your content or hire a content writer to create everything from scratch. Content writers can help you clarify your message, and some writers also include SEO optimization to increase your search engine rankings.

Remember Messaging is vital to everything. My overall mission with each client is first to help them get clear on what their customers’ problem is and how their service or product solves that problem. When this Brand Script, the overall messaging, comes together, everything else in the branding process falls perfectly into place.

Do you have questions on your branding budget? Reach out, and we’ll help you identify what’s most important for your needs!

Building A Branding Budget For Your Small Business Tue, 20 Jul 2021 10:38:37 +0000 Your business’s social media marketing strategies don’t have to take lots of time and research. Rather, you can use social media as a platform to share the information you’ve spent years becoming an expert in.

Turning social media marketing into value-sharing

This means that social media marketing in and of itself, can be turned on its head. Marketing is now value sharing. What information can you provide that your ideal clients will find helpful? People don’t want to be sold to, they want to be taught, and then they want to hire experts they trust when they have too much on their plates. Be the expert that teaches, shares value and is there to help when someone’s ready to outsource.

How does this look when you’re creating a social media content plan?

  1. Identify what your clients need. What subject are they lacking in that you can provide expertise in? Be sure that it’s something they’ll want to learn. If you’re a tax strategist, your clients probably don’t want to learn about the tax law, but rather, how they can save money on a specific tax write-off for 2020.
  2. Share information that is simple and applicable. Remember that your audience is not as familiar with your profession as you are. This means that you have to explain things simply, and in ways that are actually applicable. Don’t overwhelm your audience with industry jargon and complicated terms. Don’t be afraid to explain things and keep it simple. Simple is digestible, and digestible information is applicable. This means that your audience will be able to benefit from what you’re teaching them, and want to come back for more.
  3. Add call to actions. One of the best ways to increase social media engagement is to add call to actions, after you’ve shared value. However, these call to actions don’t always have to be sales pitches. Rather, they can be encouragements or next steps that your audience can take for success. Teach your online audience how to do something and then tell them to tag you when it’s done. Or ask your audience to DM you with questions. Any interaction is a good interaction! Even simple Instagram polls engage your audience. You can even take a poll, asking what topic they’d like a tutorial on next.

Platforms you can get the most online engagement with

Keep in mind that you should use the platforms that most of your target demographics use.

Instagram. With Instagram’s polls, stories, GIF responses, tagging and sharing, the amount of possible engagement is endless. You can share tutorials on IGTV, add mini trainings to your Instagram stories or teach something in the caption of your post. Whether you’re posting a video, uploading a post to your feed or commenting on other users’ posts, you can be sharing value all the while and enticing more engagement! And engagement leads to more leads and more business.

  1. Facebook Groups. There are so many Facebook groups you can tap into to generate engagement. Again, the goal in these groups is to share value. Perhaps there’s a local entrepreneur group you can join and upload a tutorial to. Or maybe there’s a networking group you can access to share expertise and ask for help too.
  2. LinkedIn. LinkedIn has lately been quite the hub for conversation. People are having genuine conversations, sharing insights and learning too. Spend some time paying attention to what those in your industry are talking about. Even conversations with potential competitors can lead to valuable business relationships and referrals.

Remember, you put life into social media platforms, it’s not the other way around. You are in charge of creating amazing content. You are in the business of changing minds and shifting viewpoints. By sharing value on social media, and creating an effective social media content strategy, you’ll attract the right clients and grow your business.

Using Storytelling in Marketing Tue, 20 Jul 2021 10:38:22 +0000 Using storytelling in marketing is a key way to easily connect with your clients. Stories leave an impression that’s hard to forget and make marketing less of a sale, and more of a conversation (while still resulting in the sales you need).

How to use storytelling in marketing

Before you can put your story to paper, it’s best to follow the steps below. This will ensure that your story aligns with your ideal client and the problem you solve.

  1. Identify your ideal client
  2. Pinpoint their problem. What keeps them up at night and why?
  3. How do you solve that one problem?
  4. Describe the transformation that takes place.

Once you have these four points jotted down, you can begin to apply them in various places.

Website examples of storytelling in marketing

Your website is an important place to use storytelling. The following examples show how stories can be portrayed in a variety of ways, while still connecting with your audience.

  1. Tell the story of your business but turn it upside down. Rather than ending with the solution. Start with it. “We do ____,” or “We don’t _____.”
  2. Describe who you are and position yourself in a way that resonates with your ideal client. This example simply talks about “doing good work” and then goes on to describe how they help “world-bettering” brands do more.

Doing good work for brands that do good

We’re a certified B Corp marketing agency with bright ideas, results-driven services, and an adventurous spirit.

Social media examples of storytelling in marketing

You can do the same thing on social media. Oftentimes, this is an easier area to focus on because it’s not as overwhelming as an entire page of website content. 

Within one caption, you can:

  1. Tell an actual story — about a client experience or describing how your product/service helped someone’s life/business.
  2. Add social proof. Testimonials are a quick, concise, and credible way to describe how your business was the solution.
  3. Teach something. Lessons easily come in the form of stories. By educating your audience, you can show the value of your services. If you want to book more one-on-one clients, teach them the importance of investing in your service, but do it through short stories, small sets of tips, and other bite-sized pieces of content.

The importance of positioning yourself as the guide

In stories, there is often a hero and a guide. The hero is the leading role, while the guide is their supporting star. With your marketing content, don’t be the hero. When you write your website content, don’t put yourself in that position. Instead, your client should be the hero, with you as the guide. The two examples above did that precisely, positioning themselves as the ones who help you (the client) drink sustainably and do good work. This makes the client not only feel good but invested in these brands.

If you need help using storytelling in marketing, reach out here. We can help you frame a website, identify a brand strategy and more, all using the art of storytelling.
