Digital – Skinny Brown Dog Media The Home for Visionary Storytellers Mon, 22 Jul 2024 13:30:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Digital – Skinny Brown Dog Media 32 32 3 Issues with Selling Books on Amazon KDP in 2024 Mon, 22 Jul 2024 13:30:09 +0000 Selling your book on Amazon has never been easier as an author and I am grateful for all Amazon has done for indie authors. But in working with more than 500 authors over the last seven years, I can tell you there has never been a more difficult time to deal with Amazon KDP than we are experiencing right now. If you’re wondering what is up with KDP or you’re about to upload a book to Amazon KDP and you want to know what to watch out for? Well, this video is for you. Hey there, I’m Julie, the book broad founder of book launchers, a full service self publishing company helping you write publish and promote a nonfiction book that is set up to sell. Well, publishing a book on Amazon has not been without its challenges and issues. We’ve seen more issues this year than ever before. Let’s run through the three key ones we’re seeing and what you can do about it. Number one, publishing rights. Amazon has started asking some authors to prove they have the rights to their own work. This can be tricky for self published authors and can be upsetting, especially if Amazon suspends your account until you can provide the proof it asks for this issue is a great reason to file for copyright as soon as your book is complete, rather than waiting until after launch, so that you have the documentation to submit. If you do get caught up in this one, this actually happened to me last year. So it’s not a brand new issue. We’re just seeing it more and more. They flagged, self promote and succeed we sent in the copyright letter I had received when we submitted it and all was well as always having the right documentation and giving them a prompt reply. When they flag something is always important. a delayed response can trigger an account suspension. So make sure you’re monitoring the email that you submitted your book through to delays, delays, delays, things that used to take 48 hours are taking so much longer. Now. We’ve been seeing this for the last few months, many authors have been caught in what KTP support calls, a technical glitch that led to tons of books getting caught in processing purgatory for weeks at a time with nothing the author can do except wait. This is extremely frustrating, especially for us because authors are looking to us for guidance. And we have set timelines based on years of experience, not on months of glitches. So we will tell you that what we’re telling our authors now is to give yourself weeks more time than you think you need. If you’re an author that thinks you’re going to load to launch as in skip any sort of pre sale, I would not start promoting that launch date until your book is live. Because of this number three suspensions and terminations Amazon maintains the right to suspend or terminate your KDP account at any time, and withhold any outstanding royalties you might be owed at that time. This has always been the case. Sometimes these account issues stem from very legitimate causes, like if you try to publish a book that isn’t yours, or you violate KTPs terms and conditions by maintaining multiple active KDP accounts, or starting a new account after your old one was terminated. All of those reasons are things you should not do. And it’s totally legitimate that Amazon would suspend or terminate your account. But this year, and while it’s happened to authors in the past years, as well, this is the first year we’ve run into it multiple times. And in this situation, there doesn’t seem to be any justifiable reason why it’s happening. And it’s super scary. And we’re seeing this in the forums and the chats that were a part of and one of them said, Oh, well, my father’s friend had his high up in KDP. And that’s how I got it resolved. A friend of mine has a built has built a relationship with someone in KDP. That helps him out of his own snags. But for most of us normal folks were stuck resolving issues with tickets, chat boxes, and a lot of hoping and praying and just trying to get a human that will help us and if the account is terminated and all other methods of resolution fail, hiring a lawyer to step in and resolve it for you is the answer. One of the legal firms that’s come recommended and you can hire will charge at least $2,500 for the resolution of your issue. It’s well worth it for many authors to get back in business on Amazon. But there’s no compensation for the sales you lost while you were terminated or suspended, even if it was without a good reason. So what can you do? Well, you can boycott Amazon and KDP altogether. Many authors are doing that if you’re big enough, like David Goggins, you can sue Amazon, although he’s not suing for an account termination. He’s suing because Amazon didn’t do anything about the fraudulent books that were being sold. So they didn’t shut down the accounts that weren’t legitimate. Amazon still made money, so they didn’t seem to be motivated to do anything about it, according to him. So here are legitimate authors getting their accounts terminated, while others are stealing the work of other authors and selling it and successfully doing so. Anyways, my approach is to always remember the fact that self publishing, owning your own rights and making more money per book is now largely possible thanks to Amazon, and while they could do a lot more to help us authors out, they aren’t the enemy. While waiting weeks and weeks and weeks it takes to sort out the issues that you might encounter with KDP. I would highly recommend you set yourself up to be wide while Like your KDP account can be terminated Ingram Spark can continue to sell your print book on Amazon, and even potentially your ebook. You could also be selling direct to your reader, which is something we recommend strongly. Now, I owe you all a video on setting up your direct sales for print books as I’ve updated how we do this. So subscribe to the channel, make sure you turn those notifications on if you want that. But there’s also this video right here on selling your audiobooks wide with aggregators. And this one right here on selling books direct to your reader and this one on what to do if your Amazon account is in fact suspended. So go ahead choose one of these are eight fabulous videos. I’ll see you there.

 Navigating the Challenges of Amazon KDP in 2024: What Indie Authors Need to Know Mon, 22 Jul 2024 13:21:44 +0000 Selling your book on Amazon has never been easier for indie authors, and I am genuinely grateful for all Amazon has done to support the self-publishing community. However, in working with over 500 authors over the last seven years, I can confidently say that dealing with Amazon KDP has never been more challenging than it is right now. If you’re wondering what issues to watch out for before uploading your book to Amazon KDP, this blog is for you.

 The Top 3 Issues with Amazon KDP in 2024

1. Publishing Rights Verification

Amazon has stepped up its efforts to verify whether authors have the rights to publish their books. This means that authors are now frequently asked to provide proof of their publishing rights. While this might seem straightforward, it can be quite tricky and upsetting, especially if your account is suspended while you’re gathering the necessary documentation. To avoid this hassle, it’s crucial to file for copyright as soon as your book is complete rather than waiting until after launch. Promptly responding to Amazon’s requests with the right documentation can prevent delayed responses that might trigger an account suspension.

2. Delays in Processing

Over the past few months, we’ve noticed significant delays in the processing times for book submissions on KDP. What used to take 48 hours can now take weeks due to technical glitches within Amazon’s system. This can leave your book stuck in processing purgatory, with nothing you can do but wait. These delays are incredibly frustrating, especially if you have set timelines based on years of experience. To cope with this, we advise our authors to allow for weeks more time than they think they need. Avoid promoting a specific launch date until your book is live to prevent any last-minute disappointments.

3. Account Suspensions and Terminations

Amazon maintains the right to suspend or terminate KDP accounts at any time, often withholding any outstanding royalties. While this policy isn’t new, 2024 has seen an increase in account suspensions and terminations without clear reasons. This can be a nightmare for authors who find themselves caught in the crossfire. Resolving these issues can be arduous and may require legal intervention, which can be costly. If your account is terminated, and other resolution methods fail, hiring a lawyer might be necessary to get back in business on Amazon.

 What Can You Do?

While Amazon KDP offers incredible opportunities for self-publishing, these challenges highlight the importance of being prepared and having a backup plan. Here are a few recommendations:

  • File for Copyright Early: Ensure you have all the necessary documentation to prove your publishing rights.
  • Plan for Delays: Allow extra time for the processing of your book and avoid promoting a specific launch date until your book is live.
  • Diversify Your Distribution: Consider using IngramSpark to sell your print books on Amazon and other platforms. Selling directly to your readers is also a great option to maintain control over your sales and distribution.

Remember, self-publishing, owning your own rights, and making more money per book is now largely possible thanks to platforms like Amazon. While they could do more to support authors, they aren’t the enemy. However, it’s wise to set yourself up to be wide, ensuring you have multiple channels for selling your books.

If you’re looking to avoid these pitfalls and need professional guidance, contact Skinny Brown Dog Media. We’re here to help you navigate the complexities of self-publishing and ensure your book reaches its full potential. Visit [Skinny Brown Dog Media( to learn more.

Navigating Amazon KDP can be daunting, but with the right preparation and support, you can successfully publish and promote your book. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. Reach out to experts who can guide you through the process and help you achieve your publishing goals.
